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Patients clients visiting from abroad

Today’s topic is about how to maximize the benefits of patients clients visiting from abroad

So you have a considerable number of patients that are visiting from abroad and choosing your clinic. The question is, how do you turn these temporary visitors into long-term associates that will spread the word in their respective home countries? Medical tourism is a sector that is fast-growing and in many places around the world, is still a relatively untapped source of business. I for one am fascinated by it and I want to help others to capitalize on this market to the fullest. I believe that my tactics will have your traveler customers returning home and singing your praises! To get started, here are five crucial points that I feel can help to fulfill your tourism-related goals!

Step 1: Consolidate the Bond

Do not terminate the relationship with the end of the treatment. Get in touch with your patient by sending them an email immediately after their treatment to wish them a safe journey. Take the time to show gratitude and thank them for visiting your clinic and add a list of quick reminders of the advice or remarks you shared during their treatment. Not only does it refresh their memory, it also helps to emphasise the benefits gained from the treatment and more importantly, how you made them feel.

Let me give you an example:

Imagine you have just completed a root canal treatment, with the additional use of your laser device to sterilise the tooth's main and lateral canals - the tooth will probably be a bit sensitive for a few days. Still, it would be best to communicate with your patient the benefits of treating it with laser sterilisation, to explain that it increases enormously the success rate of the root canal treatment ,compared with the old fashioned non-laser method).

Step 2: Maintain the Momentum

A week later, I strongly encourage you to send a second email with a complete detailed report of the treatment that they have undergone.

In the event that you promised warranties for specific treatments (i.e. restorations), you should also attach these in this second email. You should also attach any documents with general information that you might have discussed with them during their stay, such as nutritional or brushing tips based on their current lifestyle. Show that you care and that your after-treatment service is just as important as the initial visit.

Step 3: Get in Touch

A week after the second email, send them another email with a reminder of the scheduled future appointments. This on the one hand shows your dedication and professionalism to their long-term treatment but also allows greater transparency of your services. It also allows your patient to carry out the necessary planning of their finances and timeline.For example, they will need time to map out their further treatment, to manage the cost and organize the time frame therefore you ensure absolute openness and honesty about the procedure as a whole.

It’s also an opportunity to promote and advertise the benefits of upcoming treatments. When contacting your patients, be sure to focus on the advantages surrounding the following topics:

1. Their overall health

2. Their definition of beauty and

3. The nature of their lifestyle

Step 4: Be positive

Make sure to direct the language of your follow-up emails – what do I mean by this? Avoid emails that contain open-ended questions e.g. ‘How are you feeling? Are you OK with the treatment?’ This question opens up the possibility of debate and disagreement and let’s be honest, humans do have a tendency to enjoy complaining! Instead, word your messaging with the understanding that the treatment was perfect and wen according to plan! This will establish a positive atmosphere from the get-go. And thanking your customer also helps too!

Step 5: Be thoughtful about the little things

It’s important to show that you are interested in the happiness and well-being of your patients. Therefore it makes such a difference when you get in touch on days that are important to them. It could be festive dates related to their religion, their birthday or their saint day. Patients appreciate tokens of kindness therefore take the time to make them feel special and acknowledged by their doctor. It’s the key to prompting your client to place their trust in you.

So, use the above steps as a protocol for your clinic’s routine. It will give you greater control of the culture and atmosphere of your practice every single day and I guarantee that you will see a hugely different response from your patients coming from abroad.

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